Mackenzie Marsh

Mackenzie is 26 years old and was born in Vancouver. She has had a lifelong love of live theatre and music. Back in elementary school she played Joseph’s father in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and sang in Scrooge: A Christmas Carol. When Mackenzie was in high school she joined a drama class as an elective and her teacher wanted her to do a play with the class so she wrote a script for the play all by herself. Mackenize loves acting because it’s the best thing for her to do in her life. Mackenize Marsh loves to do acting and went to JT Brown and Tanner Chowis for schooling when she was young. All through Mackenzie’s life she has wanted to do better in acting and maybe win an award for her excellent work in her acting. She would also like to maybe be an actress in a movie sometime too.